Motoring costs are rocketing from month to month with rising fuel and tyre costs, yet many motorists still ride around with underinflated tyres which contribute both to tyre wear and higher fuel costs, in addition badly underinflated tyres are a major cause of accidents on our roads. Despite this it’s very rare to see someone regularly checking tyre pressure when filling up, nowadays it is just a rush to fill up and go.
Now there is an easy way with “Valve-Check” a simple device that replaces the conventional valve cap and actually warns you when a tyre is not at the correct pressure. The “Valve-Check’ indicates the correct inflation by displaying a green band through a clear plastic cap, when a tyre loses pressure and is underinflated it changes to yellow and then to red when severely underinflated to warn you! This in itself will reduce your monthly fuel bill, extend tyre life, reduce emissions and minimise the risk of accidents due to compromised road holding. In addition there is also “Spare-Check” a device that allows one to monitor the tyre pressure of your spare tyre,” Spare-Check” comes with an extension hose which is fitted to the valve on your spare tyre and a mounting bracket for fitment in the boot or on the underside of a bakkie, the unit is complete with a “Valve-Check” unit which allows you to easily monitor the pressure of your spare tyre. Fitted in a visible location this will ensure that you are never caught with a flat spare when you have an emergency and have to change a tyre.” Valve-Check” comes in 6 pressure measurements being, 1.8 bars, 2.0 bars, 2.2 bars, 2.4 bars, 2.6 bars, and 2.8 bars. • You will always be sure that you spare is inflated to the correct pressure.
• You will save up to 5% on your monthly fuel bill.
• Your tyre wear will be more even and you will gain more mileage from correctly inflated tyres.
• You will reduce your Co2 emissions as you have less rolling resistance with correctly inflated tyres.