Itawa residents demand clean water | Infrastructure news

Residents of Ndola’s Itawa Township are worried that they are at risk of water borne diseases because of “dirty” water allegedly supplied by Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company (KWSC).
Bright Chinene of Chikola Cresent complained that the water supplied to the area is not fit for human consumption as it has a strong stench and sometimes contains algae.
“We have complained to management of KWSC on countless occasions but nothing is done, so as a result we are subjected to buying mineral water for drinking,” he said.

Mr Chinene said the entire Itawa township has the same problem and complaints to management have allegedly fallen on deaf ears.
Another resident, Lillian Mwanashiku, said the water is a health risk especially to children who sometimes drink directly from taps.
“I know that we have to control children but sometimes if they are playing outside they drink water directly from taps,” she said.
To prove her point, Ms. Mwanashiku drew water from a tap into a five-litre container.  The water was opaque brown and contained various particles.
She said such water was suitable only for watering plants.
They appealed to the Copperbelt Minister Mwenya Musenge to take KWSC to task over the supply of the dirty water in the area claiming that the bills they are served with monthly do not justify the service.
Efforts to get a comment from KWSC public relations officer Margret Zulu proved futile as her mobile phone was off by press time.




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