Alternative technologies build school | Infrastructure news

Gauteng has pioneered the first green school in the country in Centurion, recently opened by the province’s Premier Nomvula Mokonyane. The state-of-the-art Orefile Primary School is set to dramatically improve learning conditions in Olievenhoutbosch, especially for learners enrolled at Philane Primary School, currently housed in a set of prefabricated structures. Half of this school’s 1 192 pupils will be transferred to the new school at the start of the 2013 academic year.

The school was built using the so-called Razorbill alternative construction method. The contractor, Transgariep Infra said that the method includes the use of light steel framing in which hollow panelling is fitted. This is filled with a mixture of cement and polystyrene balls. Not only is the method fast, the school was completed in 10 months, but fewer skilled workers are needed on site so, local community members can be used during the construction phase. The entire project cost R33.4 million.

The school boasts 24 classrooms including three grade R, eight foundation phase, nine intermediate and four senior phase classrooms; an administration block; computer and multimedia rooms; storerooms; laboratories; sports fields, recreational and ablution facilities.

Handing over the new school, Mokonyane highlighted that with the use of alternative technology, the province was helping to find and create national solutions.

“A green school has happened for the first time in South Africa and here in Gauteng province. It is going to use recycled water, alternative energy sources and has an alternative layout of the school infrastructure,” said Mokonyane.

“Every day you’ll hear over the radio that people at Olievenhoutbosch are protesting but once we came in here, because of the kind of job opportunities we’ve created and partnerships made with the community, there haven’t been any protests because people’s energies were directed to the right thing. We believe that if you want to succeed, you have to work and be part of government and assist community leaders and be part of the development processes and rally behind your leadership and co-operate with them.”

The opening of the school forms part of government’s Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs). President Jacob Zuma, in his State of the Nation Address earlier this year, announced an infrastructure plan for the country. It lists 18 SIPs which cover a range of economic and social infrastructure projects across all nine provinces, with an emphasis on poorer regions. The new school is part of SIP 13: National School Building. Over 9 000 school projects are in the pipeline to deal with the backlog.


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