Big infrastructure developments in Africa to boost transport | Infrastructure news

Due to increased investment in the African continent, there are numerous new infrastructure development projects being undertaken to boost transportation. East African countries in particular are in for some positive changes and developments with millions being spent on overhauling and building roads, airports, railways and ports.

One of the major road projects on the cards is the construction of the Kenya-Tanzania highway which is said to improve cross border trade and transportation between the two countries. The construction of the highway is scheduled to start in midway through 2013 and will take about three years to complete.

The Mombasa port in Kenya is in line for big changes as a second container terminal is scheduled to be constructed.  The project is scheduled to begin by the end of November and is aimed at improving the port’s handling capacity to decrease delays in the moving of cargo. Along with the port expansion in Mombasa, a new railway line and access roads will be built to make the transportation of cargo from the port more efficient.

On the airport front, the Kigali International Airport in Rwanda will reportedly be upgraded which is due to start at the end of the year. The upgrade will be vital should the airport wish to handle the increase in the number of airlines wanting to use Kigali Airport.

In Uganda there will be a new highway linking the Capital city Kampala to the town of Entebbe and construction will begin once those affected by the development are compensated. The project is estimated to take around four years to complete.

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