Nedbank assists in Carolina water scenario | Infrastructure news

Over the past year, residents of Carolina in Mpumalanga have been experiencing serious challenges in accessing drinkable water. Significantly, according to the Department of Water and Environmental Affairs, almost half of the Mpumalanga population (approximately 1. 6 million people) does not have adequate access to potable water.

It is through understanding this plight that Nedbank is donating 150 Hippo Water Rollers to elderly and child-headed households in the Carolina area of Mpumalanga. The 90-litre Hippo Water Rollers will allow residents to safely store drinkable water and can serve a family of up to seven people for approximately seven days.

The 150 Hippo Water Rollers donated to the residents of Carolina are in addition to the sum of over 700 that was donated earlier this year to impoverished communities cross South Africa. In Mpumalanga Province some of the communities which have benefitted include: Acornhoek, Sigwinyamana, Bambanani and Ukuthanda Ukukhanya.

“Access to drinkable water is a major problem for many communities in Mpumalanga and disadvantaged residents in Carolina have been affected the most. Our donation is aimed at the most vulnerable members within Carolina, namely, the elderly and child-headed households. The Hippo Water Rollers can easily be wheeled across various types of terrain, making life easier for children and the elderly,” said Mrs. Kone Gugushe, Nedbank’s Divisional Executive: Corporate Social Responsibility.

Earlier this year, minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa challenged all in South to recognise the contribution that water makes to social and economic development. The minister also encouraged all in society to be acquainted with the role that water plays in sustaining all forms of life.

In just two years, Nedbank has donated in excess of 2,700 Hippo Water Rollers at a cost of approximately R4.8million, advancing efforts to improve access to drinkable water.

“We’re delighted to be able to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged communities around the country. We are equally pleased to be contributing towards improving access to drinkable water for needy communities across South Africa in line with Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),” added Gugushe

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