Mr. Barney Curtis
The Federation of East and Southern Africa Road Transport Associations Midrand – Johannesburg South Africa Kindly be informed that we met with the South African Freight Forwarding Association (SAAF) on the 23rd of August 2012 in Johannesburg with a view to impress upon them to serve on the TKCMC. SAAF instead recommended for FESARTA to rather serve on the TKCMC – a proposal to which we are in agreement. I remain aware of your long-standing personal and official involvement and valuable contribution to the TKCMC since its conception prior to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in 2003 to date. Needless to say, the Governments of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa through the Ministries responsible for transport concluded a Memorandum of Understanding on the Development and Management of the Trans Kalahari Corridor on the 3rd of November 2003, in Walvis Bay – Namibia. A Secretariat was established during 2007 in Windhoek, Namibia with a view to coordinate the programmes and implementation of the provisions and spirit of the Memorandum of Understanding. In keeping with the Memorandum of Understanding the process of accrediting the Secretariat as a diplomatic organisation is on-going. The key Objectives pursued under the Memorandum of Understanding are: transit and trade facilitation, growth in corridor traffic and business and reduction in transport cost. These are being pursued within a Public Private Partnership approach. The trade facilitation benefits offered by the Corridor including quick port turn-around times, safety and security, minimal border duel time, streamlined and harmonized procedures as well as sound infrastructure are the key comparative advantages and selling points. We are currently pursuing a number of trade facilitation initiatives including the One Stop Border Post and the Customs Systems Connectivity amongst others.The Memorandum of Understanding prescribes for the Private Sector to form part of the TKCMC thus allowing for both the Public and Private Sector to make meaningful input to the activities and decision-making on business related matters on the Trans Kalahari Corridor that have a bearing on both parties.  Yet currently only the Public Sector (Ministries of Transport) serve on the TKCMC. It is in this context, that I invite your organisation to consider serving on the TKCMC for the benefit of all involved.
No membership fee is expected on the part of your organization to serve on the TKCMC. The Secretariat will facilitate (finance and/or subsidize) in the short to medium term your cost of travel and accommodation for meetings which are held rotationally in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. The Memorandum of Understanding is herewith attached for your convenience. Whilst counting on your consideration, kindly accept the assurances of my highest esteem.