MCLI AGM Corridor Update event | Infrastructure news

The Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative is hosting its Corridor Update event on Thursday, 21 February 2013 at the Kambaku Golf Club in Komatipoort, overlooking the confluence of the Nkomati and Crocodile rivers with breathtaking views of the Kruger National Park.

Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (MCLI) members and corridor stakeholders across the logistics supply chain will attend the meeting, which takes place during a gala dinner.

There will be a short programme of AGM proceedings and a report from the two MCLI chairmen.

The Corridor Update will focus on progress on the 24-hour one-stop-border-post at the Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border post, with the keynote address being shared by the South African Revenue Service and Alfandegas Moçambique. In addition, Transnet Freight Rail, Swaziland Railway and CFM will give an update on developments regarding the rail service to the Corridor and the new services into Maputo via the Goba line in Swaziland. The Trans Africa Concessions, the N4 road concessionaire, will also provide insight into the developments and upgrades planned on the Johannesburg to Maputo route.

The Maputo Port Development Company will also present an update on the port’s growth trajectory and its investment rollout in line with its 2033 master plan. A bus tour to the Port of Maputo also takes place on Friday, 22 February before returning to Johannesburg late that same evening.

Before the gala evening on Thursday, 21 February, a Golf Day has been planned with golfers taking to the field in a Four Ball Alliance (2 Scores to Count) competition. This presents a wonderful networking opportunity while playing a round of golf on one of the Lowveld’s beautiful golf courses.

For non-golfers, a number of local excursions including game drives into the Kruger, a luxury day spa experience, aerial game viewing and the possibility of visiting a rhino and rare antelope breeding programme are being planned.

There are a number of sponsorship opportunities for companies during the golf day. For more information about these and the Corridor Update, please contact or call +27 13 755 6025.

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