Mine housing development for the Northern Cape | Infrastructure news

South Africa has the largest known deposits of manganese ore in the world and is the largest producer of iron ore on the continent making mining operations in the arid Northern Cape critical to the national economy. Production volumes among the two biggest players in the region’s mining sector – Assmang and Anglo American – continue to increase at a tremendous speed.

Corobrik Corngold face brick has been used in the 400 houses built for staff at Kolomela mine near Posmasburg. Two million Corngold satin bricks were used in this project

To cater for new employees and respond within the ambit of the revised mining charter published by government in late 2010, both mining giants are in the throes of creating new and upgrading existing accommodation with a number of housing projects both on the drawing board and under construction.

Gary Westwood, Corobrik sales manager for the Free State and Northern Cape region says that Corobrik takes pride in being a part of the progress for a sector that was the greatest contributor to the country’s gross domestic product. For example, Anglo American’s Kumba Iron Ore operation, which is located in Sishen near the town of Kathu, is believed to be one of the seven largest open pit mines in the world. It produced 38,9 Mtpa in 2011.

“Kumba is currently building 60 mine management houses with our Blue Barley Travertine and Roan Travertine face bricks. A contract for the construction of a further 47 950 m2 houses has been awarded to Steffanuti Stocks and is scheduled to begin before year end,” he explains.

In addition, production at the new Kolomela mine in Posmasburg came on stream in May this year (2012) and is expected to add additional production of 13 Mtpa.

“This Kolomela mine expansion saw Corobrik delivering some two million Corngold Satins for the building of 400 staff houses. This project has been divided into three projects, namely Postdene, Airfield and Boichoko,” he adds.

Brick fits all three dimensions of sustainability. At a social level nobody wants the stigma attached to living in a prefabricated box and there is no good reason that they should. Clay brick construction is proven economical as built, and its record of performance, its robustness, its durability assures a low lifecycle cost. Add to that, clay bricks have mineral properties that meet all necessary requirements for healthy living, that clay bricks release no toxic fumes under both normal and fire conditions to impinge on air quality, that they have natural sound insulation properties to support quiet indoor environments and clay bricks sustainable value emerges in a unique holistic context.

In Kathu, there are plans to build 700 houses. Group 5 is already busy with the construction of 300 houses using Corobrik Sapphire Satin, Nevada Travertine, Montana Travertine, Nebraska Travertine and Opal Satin. VHB Developments is also busy with 60 houses which are being built with Sapphire Satin and Corngold Satin. Approximately 200 have already been completed and there are plans to extend the total number of houses to approximately 1 000.

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