NGCL appoints a new director | Infrastructure news

Neville Mbai has just been appointed as the new director for the Centre for Logistics at the Namibian German Centre for Logistics (NGCL). He has worked for the NGCL over the past four years as a projects manager, making him a natural choice for this challenging position due to his background and experience.

Logistics and transportation is a specialised field that requires both experience and professional knowledge. Mbai’s background, both academically and professionally, gives him the necessary tools to guide the NGCL into its next phase of expansion. With a master’s degree in maritime transport (international shipping) and experience at a regional and international level in the logistics sector, Mbai ticks all the necessary boxes that a director of a well-established institute like the NGCL should.

The new appointment is not just good for the NGCL, but also for Namibian business. With new funding coming in to the NGCL, and the organisation positioning itself as a thought leader in Southern Africa, it is necessary to have a strong management in place.

Mbai says:“It is an honour to be promoted into the position as director of this centre. We have many plans, challenges and concepts that lie ahead. I am confident that the team we have now at the NGCL will be able to take transportation and logistics to the next level in the region and demonstrate its importance for growth in Southern Africa.”

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