Stellenbosch University walks for clean water | Infrastructure news

Students and personnel from Stellenbosch University are participating in ‘Walking the Talk’ on Tuesday, 19 March as part of a global effort to raise awareness about each and everyone’s right to clean water.

The walk will start at 12:50 from the RooiPlein on the main campus of the Stellenbosch University. The walk is supported by the Stellenbosch University Water Institute and the NEPAD Southern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence (SANWATCE).

For more information, or to confirm your participation in the walk, go to or phone +27 (0)21 808 9453.

The United Nations’ World Water Day, held annually on 22 March, aims to raise awareness about water issues and involves several global campaigns, such as the World Walks for Water and Sanitation campaign, which involves more than 200 000 people from 30 different countries.

According to Prof Eugene Cloete, vice-rector (Research and Innovation) at Stellenbosch University, the objective of World Water Day is to involve individuals and groups to raise awareness of water issues, to facilitate dialogue between the many different role players and to find innovative solutions to our water challenges.

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