The latest census showed that South Africa is winning the challenge of providing water services to its rapidly expanding population: 91% of households now have access to piped water, compared to 85% in 2001.
This commitment is evident than in KwaZulu-Natal wherea large-scale water supply programme is underway. Communities such as KwaNovuka are desperately in need of water services. Traditionally, these communities have depended on small springs for water but, with the burgeoning population and the need to share the water with livestock, supply has become both inadequate and prone to water-borne disease. Aurecon was appointed by the Umgungundlovu District Municipality for the preparation of the business plan to access funding and for the design and site supervision of the KwaNovuka rural water supply project. “The design and planning of the KwaNovuka project was made more complex by the need to allow for integrating the project into a larger regional water supply scheme, currently being designed by other consultants,” says Aurecon project leader, Essop Goga. “For example, the rising main has been designed to allow the pipeline to be used in the future as a gravity pipeline. This change will be implemented once the regional scheme has been completed and tied into the overall KwaNovuka supply network.” The current project has two phases: Phase A, and B. “Phase A will serve 549 households in the KwaNovuka community, located to the north of Impendle Town, and a portion of the Nhlabamkhosi community on the east side of the Town. The scheme was dimensioned on a water supply of 25l/person/day, although the reticulation has been designed to support yard connections in accordance with DWAF guidelines.”The construction contract for Phase A, with an estimated value of R17 million, is close to completion. Some key features of this phase include:
- Three concrete reservoirs (2 x 300kl and 1 x 180kl)
- Three borehole pump-stations, supplying a total of approximately 296kl/day
- A package water treatment plant
- Almost 60km of pipeline, including HDPE, uPVC and Klambon piping
- WEPEX slope stabilisation system
- Approximately 99 standpipes
- An additional pipeline ties into two existing reservoirs to augment supply to Impendle Town
- A 1Ml reinforced concrete reservoir
- Two 200kl containerised water treatment plants
- Approximately 40km of pipeline of various diameters, ranging from 50mm HDPE to 250mm uPVC piping
- One river abstraction
- Two containerised high lift pump-stations: one to supply the 1Ml reservoir, the other to serve the Smilobha project
- Approximately 3km of rising main, comprising 160mm uPVC and Klambon piping
- Approximately 60 standpipes