SSATP Africa Transport Policy Programme | Infrastructure news

The Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Programme (SSATP) has released its latest progress report, covering July to December 2012, outlining how it has been fulfilling its mandate and expanding its outreach as requested by key stakeholders and donors during its AGM in 2011.

One of the highlights of this reporting period has been the acceptance of the African Union Commission to become a full-fledged member of the SSATP Board in August 2012. This is an important development for the programme as it further grounds the SSATP leadership in Africa and provides a vital voice to promote the creation of strong transport policies and capacity across the continent.

The progress report also details specific advocacy results that have occurred over the last six months. These include the planning of a multi-sector Safe Road Corridor in Zambia, a proposal for capacity building of the Federal Traffic Police in Ethiopia, and the provision of technical assistance to the Road Safety Department and the Ministry of Transport in Cameroon in redefining its roles and responsibilities. SSATP became a member of the Sustainable Low Carbon Transport partnership and organised a number of events to create awareness on the creation of the Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum for Africa, an initiative led by the SSATP.

To read the report click here.


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