A survey on Work Integrated Learning Research | Infrastructure news

Dear Stakeholder,

The SANBI/DEA Presidential Jobs Fund project aims to train then place 800 unemployed biodiversity graduates in WIL in areas where they are likely to have the greatest impact.  Biodiversity strategies are the cheapest, most effective way to improve water quantity and quality; thus this project is likely to become central to your sector.

The World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) are collating quantitative and qualitative information on current WIL guidelines, systems, resources and practices across employers, providers and professional bodies.

With the information collected we should have a comprehensive research report arising from the questionnaire as well as  have collated and reviewed all existing guides to identify gaps.

There will then be a process to bring employer reps, provider reps and professional body reps around the table to reach consensus on an integrated approach.  This process will result in a set of agreed WIL guidelines.

The WWF is requesting your support in conducting the research and would therefore request that you complete the attached questionnaire by 17 April 2013.  Please may you forward all complete questionnaires and queries to Dr Glenda Raven on graven@wwf.org.za or 021 657 6600/ 083 3791305.

The questionnaire: Internship questionnaire final

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind Regards,
Anita Pillay
WISA Training Manager and Coordinator

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