Trekking for Trash duo are on the home stretch | Infrastructure news

Pictured: CAN DO! Trekking for Trash social change adventurers set to reach their Kosi Bay destination on Monday 29 April 2013  following seven months trekking across South Africa’s shoreline

trekking for trash a picture of the trekking for trash logo

It has been a tiring yet exhilarating seven months for social change adventurers Michael Baretta and Camilla Howard who have put their lives on hold to trek 3 000km across South Africa’s shoreline, picking up litter and educating local communities about the importance of looking after the environment. Their incredible journey comes to an end this coming Monday 29 April where they will reach their destination in Kosi Bay.

Bruised feet, shin splints and tick bite fever are just some of the obstacles overcome by the eco warriors who trekked 30km a day six days a week since 4 October 2012 from Alexander Bay. However, their journey does not end here – the pair will continue to create awareness about our country’s litter problem and a media conference will be held in Johannesburg the week of 13 May where Michael and Camilla will describe their experience in detail.

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