Sustainability is more than just a ‘green’ issue | Infrastructure news

Commitment to sustainability must include a commitment to sustaining society. This translates to a commitment to work toward providing every person on the planet with the possibility of realising a quality of life that includes clean water, sanitation, food, access to critical services, physical security, and economic opportunity.

The mission of Bentley Systems is to provide innovative software and services for the enterprises and professionals who design, build, and operate the world’s infrastructure – sustaining the global economy and environment, for improved quality of life.

There is now an increasingly significant level of urgency surrounding the world’s infrastructure, with an expanding spectrum of critical global issues in which the world’s infrastructure has an important role to play.

Sustainability is not a single issue and it’s not limited to global warming, climate change, pollution, chronic hunger, unsafe bridges, public health, or contaminated water – it is all of these and more.

It’s not a problem that we’ll solve and then move on – it will require constant, continuing, and unrelenting attention.

To completely satisfy our sustainability objectives will mean more investment in infrastructure and economic development. The road to a sustainable world will be paved by the vision, commitment, innovation, open-mindedness, and pragmatism of infrastructure professionals.

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