Pedal safe branded trucks | Infrastructure news

Anderson Transport is taking the “Safe Cycling campaign of 1.5m” quite literally on the road. The company branded three trucks with the safe cycling campaign to increase public awareness.

Heimer Anderson, managing director of Anderson Transport, says, “We support this campaign launched by the Pedal Power Association and as a cyclist myself I hope this campaign will contribute to safer roads for all cyclists.”

The three branded trucks will annually cover a combined distance of approximately 600 000 km throughout Southern Africa.

Liz Robbins, projects and marketing officer for the Pedal Power Association, says, “I would like to thank Anderson Transport for your support of our 1.5m campaign. We posted a photograph of your truck with the branding on our Facebook page and to date have received 251 likes, 205 shares, 17 comments and over 14 000 people having seen the post. We really do need more companies like yours increasing safety awareness of cyclists which can ultimately save lives.”

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