50 years of changing the way people look at Health and Safety
September 2013 will mark the 52nd anniversary of NOSHCON, Africa’s Leading Health and Safety conference. NOSHCON was started in 1962 in an attempt by NOSA to create greater awareness of Occupational Health and Safety, which at the time was still a fairly new concept within South Africa. Since then, NOSHCON has developed into Africa’s Leading HSE conference with an average of 600 delegates attending each year from various countries worldwide. Apart from showcasing the world’s leading experts in the field of Health, Safety and Environment, NOSHCON has also become celebrated for the world class entertainment, remarkable networking opportunities and unmatched publicity that exhibitors have come to appreciate.“NOSHCON aims to provide a unique and innovative way in which people see conferencing” says Martine Antoine, Marketing Manager of NOSA. We aim to strike a balance between workshops, networking and relaxation. Since adopting this view we have had great feedback from delegates, exhibitors and past speakers and will continue to ensure NOSHCON remains Africa’s Leading Health and Safety conference.