Is McDonald’s going “green”? | Infrastructure news

McDonald’s South Africa is reportedly changing the way it builds its restaurants and is rolling out more “sustainable” restaurants across the country. The franchise unveiled its second steel frame restaurant in Silverlakes, Gauteng, on 19 August 2013, as part of its efforts to encourage sustainable building.

“Not only have we lived history in South Africa for the past 18 years, but we will continue to create it. Like drive thru, hand-held breakfast, 24/7 and McCafe, McDonald’s will continue to improve, evolve and pioneer,” says Greg Solomon, McDonald’s South Africa’s Managing Director.  McDonald’s opened its first steel frame restaurant in Cape Town on 29 June 2013, making it the first light steel frame informal eating out restaurant of its kind in South Africa.

The new restaurants are built using light gauge steel and energy efficient cladding and insulation systems, which mean that the restaurants cool down and warm up faster. The most recent steel frame restaurant which was opened in Pretoria uses only LED lighting, which consumes less energy, and includes environmentally friendly PVC piping.

The opening of the restaurant in Pretoria has created 58 new jobs in the region.The new crew members, will, through the McDonald’s training programme, have ample opportunity to learn operational and managerial skills opening up for them the opportunity of a lifelong career.

Solomon says, “It is our responsibility to take the lead in this way as a big corporate, and we understand the importance of sustainable business practices and minimising our impact on the environment.  We are very excited about rolling out these pioneering new restaurants.”

McDonald’s has invested in many sustainability measures in its restaurants over the past two years including in the area of building design, making sure that natural light and heat from the sun complement a minimum air-conditioning design.  All of this forms part of a programme Solomon refers to as “Project Green and Growing”.This visionary programme targets a 20% saving in water consumption, a 20% saving on electricity consumption, a 20% saving on costs and a 20% saving on construction time as the brand continues on its strong growth path.

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