Engen takes hat trick of Sunday Times Top Brands awards | Infrastructure news

Engen hailed informed customer feedback for allowing it to grow into a top retail fuel and convenience brand, as news emerged this week of it winning the Sunday Times Top Brands* (petrol stations) award for the third year in a row.

The company won the award outright in 2011, after rising to joint first place with BP in 2010.

Joe Mahlo, General Manager of Engen Sales and Marketing, says the company will continue to build on its winning strategy of tailoring its approach and offerings to its various market segments.

With customer service identified as a key determinant of success in the industry, the company will continue to focus on the training of forecourt staff.

Lesley McDonough, Engen’s Group Brand Manager, says Engen’s sustained success shows the brand has pride of place in South African motorists’ hearts and minds.

“Not only do we lead the industry in share of market, but our brand continues to be recognised and trusted for service and innovative offerings that put the customer first. We’re honoured by motorists’ continued endorsement of our hard work.”

Winning strategy

Engen continues to rake in the accolades. This year it was acknowledged as SA’s leading oil company in the 2013 Top Company Reputation Index run by Mail & Guardian, while it also retained its ranking as the ‘coolest petroleum brand’ in the Sunday Times Generation Next youth survey.

Meanwhile, Engen continues to roll out signature convenience offerings across its network, including fast food and restaurant partnerships, franchise bakeries, coffee, alternate payment partnerships and a range of other innovations.

Engen has moreover budgeted R100 million this year to upgrade key sites in Gauteng’s Soweto township as part of its Township Revitalisation project in line with its strategy to invest in previously disadvantaged areas. This figure will also go towards bringing new sites on stream, such as the Platinum 1-Stop at the confluence of the N1 and the N4 near Pretoria, which opened in March this year. “This is over and above the R1 billion earmarked to re-invigorate our established network in other areas,” says Mahlo.

He says Engen is optimistic about building momentum in its brand and commercial activities, as recessionary pressures continue.

* Sunday Times Top Brands Awards is commissioned by Avusa Media and conducted by TNS Research Surveys

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