The CESA Annual Conference | Infrastructure news

The CESA Annual Conference takes place from 11-12 November 2013 in Cape Town.

The programme promises to deliver world class presenters and engage with lively industry-related panel debates. The theme for the conference is “Leadership the key to Sustainability” Sought after international speaker, Jason Drew heads up the exciting line-up. Jason is a serial entrepreneur, passionate environmentalist and visionary who argues that industrial revolution is over and the sustainability revolution has begun. Based on this he has developed a clear vision and blueprint for business in the 21st century.

Also presenting is the dynamic South African author, Siya Mapoko. He is the acclaimed author of “The Best Advice I Ever Got”. Mapoko sets an example of not only listening to advice, but absorbing the lessons and making them his own. He explains how “decoding” the best advice he was ever guided him to shape his own destiny. Siya Mapoko believes that life is too short to not learn from others.

Other leading speakers include, KPMG economist Lullu Krugel, Deputy Mayor of Cape Town, Ian Neilson, Trueman Goba – Chairman: Hatch GOBA. In addition, the programme allows for interactive panel discussions on hot topics such as Enterprise Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability and the National Development Plan.

On Sunday 10 November golfing delegates are invited to participate in a golf day at the Milnerton Golf Course. Good weather will be ordered and the prize giving will take place at the Conference opening cocktail party on the Westin’s famed 19th floor!

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