African interest in CAD | Infrastructure news

The Central Aeronautical Database (CAD) a system-wide information management concept which is a single repository for all aeronautical information within Africa was introduced at the first Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) Africa conference held in Lagos, Nigeria at the beginning of October.

This system, provided jointly by the Air Traffic and navigation Services (ATNS) SOC South Africa and Frequentis will enable African States to link up to the database and make use of its benefits, which will be in the static information domain.

It will allow for a free-flowing, transparent and open usage of aeronautical information. Innovative Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) functionalities will be used as cost-effective services and will be accessed through specially designed software.

Frequentis is providing technical input and ATNS specialist resources, in line with the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) recommendations.

Thabani Mthiyane, CEO of ATNS, says, “Sharing infrastructure and services between Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) is important and we are proud to contribute together with our partner Frequentis, to this important initiative of seamless African skies. We invite African states to take advantage of the AIS/AIM services, already available through the ATNS African AIS/AIM hub”.

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