Improving standard of driving in the NW | Infrastructure news

The annual heavy commercial driver’s competition in the North West province saw 66 male and female drivers from governmental, public and commercial transport operators compete in a driver skills enhancement programme held in Brits.

Nono Maloyi, North West MEC for Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison, says, ”The competition is achieving its objectives as it improves the standard of driving in the province and the country at large.”

The Departmental MEC called on major transport companies to engage and encourage their employees to take part in such activities, as this will assist in curbing road accidents.

The main purpose of the programme is to promote safe road usage at all times and constantly improve the standard of driving in the province.

Each of the five category winners received a R5000 cheque and will represent the province at the National competition next year February in East London in the Eastern Cape.

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