10 PPM diesel launched | Infrastructure news

Sasol has launched its new fuel the turbodieselTM ULS 10ppm making it the lowest sulphur content diesel available in South Africa.

According to Sasol the fuel has advanced detergency and lubricity properties to keep the engine and fuel injection system clean and well protected, plus it is ideally suited to compliment the modern day fuel to enable these engines to run efficiently, while producing less harmful exhaust emissions.

This development is a step forward in moving South Africa closer to cleaner fuel specifications in line with international standards and this new fuel already complies with the sulphur and cetane requirements Mohamed Carrim, Retail Manager at Sasol Oil says, “We are continuously looking for ways to enhance our products to enable the latest technology vehicles to be introduced in South Africa and ultimately benefit the general consumer. It is indeed a huge milestone for Sasol and South Africa.”

“The Sasol turbodieselTM ULS 10ppm is suitable for all diesel vehicles, from the latest technology to older generation models, with and without turbocharging. “

Adding, “A key part of the Sasol turbodieselTMULS 10ppm is its advanced detergency. This prevents or removes deposit build-up in the engine and fuel system, allowing the engine to operate at optimum efficiency and sustain optimum fuel consumption over time. Continued use will maintain new fuel systems as well as clean up dirty fuel systems.”

It will initially be available at 78 forecourts in Gauteng and Mpumalanga and then will be selectively rolled-out to the other areas in 2014 and 2015.


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