Strategic intent goes beyond SA borders | Infrastructure news

A strategic partnership with the intent of venturing into operations north of South Africa’s borders is being undertaken between Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) and construction and engineering group Aveng.

The two companies recently signed a memorandum of understanding that seeks to explore new and existing opportunities of expansion and operating terminals in Tanzania, a country located in East Africa considered a global growth point.

TPT Head of Strategy Moshe Motlohi says, “Part of TPT’s intentions include venturing into Africa and global operations to increase our footprint as a port operator. “

Both TPT and Aveng have submitted an expression of interest jointly to operate seven berths in Mtwara, Tanzania – a city on the boundaries of Mozambique.

Karl Socikwa Chief Executive TPT adds, “Transnet’s market demand strategy has enabled us to thoroughly consider and act upon Africa’s regeneration. Seven of ten growth points in the world are in Africa, skills exist and it is up to Africa to convert itself into one of the fastest growing and strongest economies in the world.”

Adding that it is TPT’s intentions to venture into global operations, enhance and grow its skills base and integrate into the supply chain.

The expression of interest precedes the process of requests for proposals. Tanzania is one of seven existing opportunities that will see TPT further its mission to handle commercial import and export of cargo globally.

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