ATNS ensures that our airspace is safe – as the nation mourns | Infrastructure news

The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) Company of South Africa, in support of the National Department of Transport’s Air Transport Plan, has since the official announcement of the passing-on of former State President Nelson Mandela, put measures in place, in anticipation of the high traffic movements within the South African airspace.

This is to allow for a seamless and effective provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) to the usual airspace users and the expected higher-than-normal number of visiting delegates.

ATNS staff have been strategically deployed at identified airports for the provision of day-and-night air traffic management services – to match the expected demand.

The operational co-ordination between ATNS and relevant stakeholders, including government departments and entities is ongoing. This will ensure that all national and international aviation-related requirements are met. As part of the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the said planning efforts, all airport-related restrictions have been sent out by the relevant authority – to all airspace users.  These will also be displayed on the ATNS website.

ATNS’ Central Airspace Management Unit (CAMU) will coordinate slot allocation and Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), from various airports into the Eastern Cape – in order to ensure safe and efficient flow of traffic prior and after the funeral. The same have been put in place for the memorial service taking place on Tuesday, 10th December in Gauteng. Diversion alternatives have been identified and will be reviewed on a 24 hourly basis, and as and when the situation dictates.

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