New phone technology for tough environments | Infrastructure news

Businesses operating in tough environments can now have full mobility with useful apps on tough, weather-resistant smart phones.

Econz Wireless and Rugged Phones have partnered to provide businesses with a full range of mobile applications on the toughest phones. Rugged Phones’ Titan range of Android phones can operate inwet, dry and dusty. The range comprises of full-featured smart phones and tablets compliant with US military standards. The addition of the Econz Wireless apps is ideal for companiesthat need mobile apps under the toughest conditions.

EconzVice President of Global Channel Sales Harry Lane says, “our suite of mobile apps will enable employers in environments like construction, manufacturing, distribution, and government to not only track their employees while in the field via GPS but to give them a full time and attendance record of who is on site and when. Fully integrated with their own accounting and payroll system, this gives employers accurate records in real time.”

The suite of apps has been developed to fit most smart phones, and the Rugged Phones Titan range opens up opportunities for businesses working in harsh environments.

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