Japan is helping to solve the Mombasa water shortage | Infrastructure news

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has pledged Sh1.6 billion (R208.7 million) towards solving the water shortage in Kenya’s Mombasa region.

JICA is currently carrying out a viability study for a water desalination plant in Mombasa.

The region has been relying on water Kwale, Taita and Kifili since the colonial period. However the water coming in from these areas supplies less than 30% of what Mombasa requires because of the tremendous increase in the population.

Solving Mombasa’s water shortage

Governor Hassan Joho has said that he will engage the private sector and other partners to expand and modernise the country’s water supply sources. He has criticised the national government for failing to provide the county with enough money for development.

“Water is one of the biggest challenges after the garbage issue in Mombasa county and needs people with development interest at heart to solve them,” he said.

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