Nanotechnology to be used in water purification | Infrastructure news

New nanotechnology is now being used to purify water and waste water in an environmentally friendly way.

The new technology uses organic polymers which act as molecular sponges. Derived from crustacean shells or plant fibers, the nanometer-sized polymers are custom programmed toabsorb specific particles for remediation or retrieval purposes. This includes cleaning out acids, hydrocarbons, pathogens, oils and toxins in water.


NanoStruck Technologies Inc.’s NanoPure technology is designed to purifying any water source by trapping contaminants and making them inert. It uses natural nano-tech powders and produces safe potable water.

The process:

  1. optional primary precipitations and pH adjustment
  2. micro Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) with high frequency ultrasonic waves. The micro bubbles introduced at the DAF are further accelerated by the ultrasound waves down to the micronic and nano levels, exponentially breaking down organic particles
  3. a electro-coagulation unit is introduced to further break down fats, oil, grease and bio-film that produces algae. Inorganics float or coagulate for easy removal by skimming
  4. multi-media nano-filtration removes impurities and contaminants, further clarifying the processed water
  5. nano co-polymer removes last stage odour, remaining chemicals and improves clarity. The last stage of treatment goes through the bed of nano-filtration where most unchanged particles and chemicals are adsorbed. The discharge water can be used for domestic purposes after disinfecting using one of the classical procedures.

NanoStruck Technologies Inc.’s NanoSan sanitation system is designed for use in rural and informal areas under severe water stress where the basic infrastructure for water and wastewater is not economically feasible.

The key criteria taken into consideration when constructing this unit is;

The technology takes several things into consideration:drastic reduction of the impact on water usage in households, the health and hygiene of its users, prevention from contamination, destruction of the environment, ground water resources and river systems that are affected due to raw sewage spillages.

NanoSan uses no harmful chemicals or external power and has limited external water usage, making it an environmentally friendly option. It processes raw sewage into usable grey water with a minimum risk of ground water contamination. It is fully water borne, with no connection to municipal water supply or sewer infrastructure and can collect rain water.

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