Zimbabwe gets help from AFDB with water and sanitatinon | Infrastructure news

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has given the Zimbabwe government US $4.12 (R46 million) worth of sewer and water sanitation equipment under the Zimbabwe Multi Donor Trust Fund (Zimfund).

AfDB representative Mateus Magala says that in order to deal with its sewer challenges, Zimbabwe requires a full range of sewer cleaning equipment. AfDB assessments found that spillage from blocked and overflowing sewers was one of the main risks facing residents. The removal of raw sewage from the residential areas is therefore a top priority.

The Zimfund will also provide training to municipalities in the operation and maintenance of the sewerage systems. This is designed to alleviate public health risks and assist municipalities in improving their operations, maintenance and planning capabilities.

The main objective is to provide urgent restoration and stabilisation of water supply and sanitation services.

“It is expected that through these combined interventions, equipment and training, the cities would be able to significantly improve the operation of their sewerage systems, thereby improving the health and quality of life of residents,” says Magala.

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