Aurecon experts at Green Cities 2014 | Infrastructure news

In a world of shifting climate, increasing urbanisation and biodiversity loss, it has never been more vital to apply available skills and energy to ensure sustainable development within the built environment.

Green Cities 2014: Beyond the Baseline, is a two-day conference which will be taking place from 18 to 19 March at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne, Australia.

Thisclimate-focused conference explores the issues of urban environments, including the link between resource usage and urbanisation. Many of the world’s challenges lie in cities and many of its solutions lie in managing these cities efficiently.

This year’s event will see two Aurecon experts present on topics critical to the creation of liveable cities. Chris Buntine, Senior Environmental Systems Design (ESD) Engineer at Aurecon, will present a paper titled: Waste not – a new approach to on-site organic waste recycling, in which he will discuss the findings from innovativewaste systems currently in place and the potential for wider application.

“Harvesting organic waste using on-site recycling poses a significant challenge for green building projects,however a new technology is being deployed in Australia which is likely to make on-site processing more viable,” says Buntine.

Quentin Jackson, ESD Leader Brisbane & Environmental Modelling Service Leader at Aurecon, will present on the Sir Samuel Griffith Centre at Griffith University, which will be one of Australia’s first teaching and research building powered entirely by a safe, sustainable power supply system.

“This world-leading 6 Star Green Star – Education Design v1building is an example of genuine sustainable energy alternatives and it also provides a model that could be incorporated into isolated buildings in remote areas, such as rural schools and hospitals,” says Jackson.

Aurecon sees sustainability as a dynamic and complex interplay of elements and systems and the company seeks to develop holistic solutions through a multi-disciplinary approach to sustainable development. The company’s involvement in the Green Cities 2014 conference directly aligns with a commitment and drive to support sustainable urbanisation.

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