Nominations for the 2014/2015 WISA council | Infrastructure news

Dear WISA Members

Nominations for the 2014/2015 WISA council

Two (2) vacancies for Council Members will exist at the end of the 2014 AGM. Eligible Subscribers of WISA are therefore invited to nominate two (2) WISA members to participate in a National Election process. The  form must be completed with the full details of the proposed nominees and returned to the WISA Head Office.  Click HERE to access the form.
Please note that:

1.Only paid-up Subscribers may partake in the nomination and election of Newly Elected Council Members irrespective of their membership status;
2.Nominations for the two (2) Council Members must be submitted on the attached form. Only Senior Fellows, Fellows and Members in good standing (paid up) are entitled to be nominated and elected into the stated vacant Council position.
3.Each nomination must be accompanied by short paragraph summary of the curriculum vitae of the proposed nominee/s.
4.Only Senior Fellows, Fellows and Members in good standing shall enjoy the right to accept proposed nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted.
5.All nominations must be signed by the proposer and the seconder together with certification that the nominee has accepted nomination. This acceptance may be arranged telephonically, by e-mail or fax. The acceptance by the nominee must be indicated on the nomination form and the telephone number or other contact details of the nominee given.
6.There is no limit to the total number of candidates that may be nominated although any one eligible proposer is limited to a number of nominations equal to the total number of vacancies, in this case only two nominations may be made.

7.At this stage the 2013/2014 Council is as follows:

Board Members: Mr Ronald Brown (President),  Mr Anderson Mancotywa (Immediate Past President), Dr Jo Burgess (Vice-President),  Mr KerneelsEsterhuyse  (Treasurer), Mr Chris Fennemore, Mr Gareth McConkey, Prof Alvin Lagardien and the  President: Young Water Professionals: Dr Inga Jacobs

Elected Members: Dr Mosidi Makgae, Mr Johan Wagner, Dr TG Barnard, Dr Harrison Pienaar, Mr Farouk Robertson, Mr Paul Gaydon and Mr Gordon Borain
Dr Mosidi Makgae and Mr Gordon Borain will be stepping down as elected Council Members at the end of the 2014 WISA AGM. This for the two positions becoming available. The voluntary work of Dr Makgae and Mr Borain have provided to WISA during their term of office as elected members is most appreciated.

Co-opted: Prof Alvin Lagardien

Chairpersons of Branches: Mr Selby Thabethe (Eastern Cape, PE), Vacant (Eastern Cape, EL), Mr SabeloMkhize (Free State), Mr Chris Fennemore (acting: Kwa-Zulu Natal), Mr Paradise Shilowa (Limpopo), Ms Susan van Heerden (Mpumalanga), Ms Kristina Afomso ( Namibia) and Mr Gareth McConkey (Western Cape).

Chairpersons of Divisions: Mr Gordon Borain (Anaerobic & Sludge Processes), Mr Daniel Reinecke (Community Water Supply & Sanitation), Dr Joey Swart (acting: SA Industrial Water), Dr Heidi Snyman (IWA-SA), Mr KoosWilken (Acting: Management), Mr AchimWurster (Membrane Technology), Ms Blanche Postma (Mine Water), Mr John Geldenhuys (Oxidation & Disinfection), Vacant (Proces Controllers), Dr Valerie Naidoo (Small Wastewater Treatment), Ms Leanne Coetzee (Water Science Division), Mr Mohammed Vawda (Water Distribution), Mr Chris Swartz (Water Reuse), Dr Inga Jacobs (Young Water Professionals)
All the Branch and Division representatives and co-opted members are serving Council Members.

Nominations must reach the WISA Office NOT LATER THAN 10 MARCH 2014
Telephone: 086 111 WISA (9472)
Fax: (011) 315-1258

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