Pravin Gordhan on the National Development Plan | Infrastructure news

The next administration will inherit sound public finances, a platform for implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) and a framework for collaboration with all stakeholders in driving social and economic transformation.

Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan made this statement during his budget speech this week. He says the NDP reflects the priorities underpinning the budget, and prepares the ground for the next phase of the country’s economic and social transformation.

To meet the goals of the NDP a wide range of initiatives are under way. These include:

  • accelerated public infrastructure investment
  • new spatial plans for cities, improved public transport and upgrading informal settlements
  • further expansion of public works programmes
  • further investment in renewable energy and support for the transition to a low-carbon economy
  • steps to professionalise the public service and overhaul procurement and supply chain management
  • support for special economic zones and manufacturing incentives in the Industrial Policy Action Plan.
Gordhan cautioned that success in implementing these plans will depend on discipline, hard work, cooperation and sustained improvements in productivity in both the public and the private sectors. “Our present circumstances oblige us to live and spend modestly and keep a careful balance between social expenditure and support for growth.”

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