Medupi water supply project behind schedule | Infrastructure news

The first phase of the Mokolo and Crocodile Water Augmentation Project (MCWAP), which will provide water to the Medupi power station, is behind schedule.

There have been delays on both the pipeline and the pump-station components of the project which will partly provide water to the power station from the Mokolo dam. These delays have been attributed to damage caused by heavy rainfall, strike-related disruptions and contractor underperformance.

State-owned power utility Eskom insists that the delay does not pose a water-supply risk to the power station. It says there is sufficient pipeline capacity and available water to meet Medupi’s water requirements for commissioning and operations.

Eskom told Engineering News that 25.5 km of the 43 km pipeline had been laid at the end of January and that the full pipeline is expected to be completed by June 9. It says construction of the pump station is 97% complete, with dry commissioning forecast for completion on July 16. The full water delivery date is 9 September, but could be moved to 9 December in the case of further disruptions.

“There is, thus, enough pipeline infrastructure capacity to supply six units of Medupi from Mokolo dam, excluding water required for flue gas desulphurisation abatement technology, which Eskom will install once MCWAP Phase 2 is completed,” the water utility says. Water delivery for MCWAP Phase 2 is forecast for the end 2019 and Eskom is currently in negotiations with the Department of Water Affairs regarding the project.

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