Zambia seeks engineering collaboration | Infrastructure news

The Zambian government has called for collaboration between foreign and local consultants and contractors to find engineering solutions to the country’s challenges.

Government’s hopes to see foreign and local consultants collaborate to execute projects in Zambia, Transport, Works, Supply and Communication Deputy Minister Mwimba Malama said at the launch of Iliso Consulting Zambia office in Lusaka.

Malama pointed out engineering’s ability to change the landscape of any country and urged all industry players to take advantage of the policy environment to improve the economic welfare of the people in the country.

Iliso Consulting Zambia managing director Mususeni Mumba pointed to the company’s alliance with its South African partners which is aimed at assisting in developing the Zambian infrastructure, in the same way that other countries like South Africa had done.


(Source: Times of Zambia)

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