Frankness characterised EU-Africa Summit | Infrastructure news

Following the 4th European Union-Africa Summit in Brussels, Mozambican President Armando Guebuza said the event was characterised by an atmosphere of greater frankness between the two continents.

Guebuza says, “The cooperation between the EU and Africa was already very good but after the sharp debates during the summit I believe it will become even better.”

The two day summit, held under the motto “Investing in Peace, Prosperity and in Peoples”, was positive, Guebuza said, in that the two continents spoke with one voice of the need to find means of bringing themselves closer together and making use of mutual knowledge.

The approach to questions, he added, was positive rather than negative and problematic, in search of appropriate ways for the continents to support each other.

Guebuza added that he had met with the new Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, and the two men had spoken of the need to strengthen still further the excellent relations between Mozambique and Italy.

A delegation of Italian politicians and businessmen will soon visit Mozambique to explore the possibilities of increased investment, through the Italian oil and gas company ENI, and other companies already operating on the Mozambican market.

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