Get support with the new project delivery approach | Infrastructure news

Planning is vital to the success of any project. Companies can now get dedicated support throughout the entire lifecycle of a project with the help of a four-phase system.

Engineering, procurement and construction management company Hatch Goba offers its clients a unique project delivery methodology for both small and large scale projects. The company’s Project Lifecycle Process (PLP) provides a consistent project delivery approach.

The PLP uses four phases – dubbed Front End Loading (FEL) – each one building on the previous phase. Hatch Goba starts each project with a business plan before beginning Phase One. The initial planning phases are vital to ensuring that the best concept is put into implementation.

The four phases

Phase One: conceptual phases

  • identify various concepts which can feasibly meet the project imperative.
Phase Two: pre-feasibility phase

  • identified concepts are developed into a final option.
Phase Three: feasibility phase

  • basic engineering begins and the project is defined in detail
  • the project execution plan and schedules are developed and cost estimates are refined.
Phase Four: execution phase

  • the project is implemented according to the plan developed in the previous phase.
Hatch Goba project manager Johan Breytenbach explains that the aim of this is “to ensure that the highest standards of quality are maintained on a consistent basis throughout the project, we undergo stringent gate reviews between each phase to comprehensively review the processes and work carried out in the previous phase, in order to ensure that all the objectives have been fully met and the correct outcomes are achieved.”

Operational support

Hatch Goba does not simply construct a facility; it provides operational support for the lifetime of the project. “We assist the client with operational readiness, and are also closely involved with the first stages of operating the facility once built,” explains Breytenbach.

Employee support

In addition to operational support, Hatch Goba runs on-going training initiatives to assist company employees in developing their skills and expertise. “When a project is being established, a parallel training programme framework is set up for the benefit of all employees involved,” says Breytenbach.

With over 50 years in the industry, Breytenbach believes that Hatch Goba has the right processes and experience to successfully deliver future projects.

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