U.S.$1 Billion bond to up pace on road works | Infrastructure news

The Times of Zambia have reported that the Zambian government will expedite the construction of roads in the country following the securing of the US$1 billion sovereign bond.

Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga said some of the road programmes in the country had stalled due to financial challenges but that with the sovereign bond coming, construction and rehabilitation would commence.

Mukanga says, “We will, in the next two to three weeks, be seeing a lot of road construction which had stalled due to the lack of finances.”.

The ministry through the Road Development Agency (RDA) would soon be placing advertisements in the media on the number of road works that would be done.

The Zambian government has embarked on the number of road projects in the country which include the Link Zambia 8000 project, Pave Zambia project, L400 project and the rehabilitation and expansion of urban and rural roads.

Mukanga adds, “The government would ensure that the toll fees being collected from motorists would be channelled to the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in the country.”

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