Malawi will receive US $35.5 million to implement its Sustainable Rural Water and Sanitation Infrastructure for Improved Health and Livelihoods Project. The project is aligned with the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy and the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) 2013-2017 Country Strategy Paper as well as the Bank’s Ten-Year strategy focusing on African transformation through inclusive and green growth.
The money consists of an African Development Fund (ADF) loan of US $23.0 million, a loan of US $7.7 million from the Nigerian Trust Fund (NTF), and a grant of US $4.8 million from the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Facility. The project focuses on rural water supply and sanitation in five districts and will be implemented through the Ministry of Water Development and Irrigation in collaboration with the respective district councils. This support is within the National Water Development Program which is being implemented by the Government of Malawi with support from several development partners including the World Bank, UNICEF, European Investment Bank, the European Union and the Australian Government.The project addresses increased access to clean and sustainable water supply, increased access to improved and inclusive sanitation, improved resilience of water resources, and sustainable community management of water supply and sanitation facilities. It will also support the empowerment of district councils and rural communities with particular emphasis on women and youth, monitoring and evaluation, and on enhancing sector reforms for governance and accountability of service delivery.
It will create jobs, including for youth, in construction, operation and maintenance, as well as promote afforestation and bee-keeping activities as part of sustainable catchment management.