Imperial is supply chain educator of the year | Infrastructure news

For the third consecutive year Imperial Logistics was named “Supply Chain Educator of the Year” at the annual SAPICS Conference.

The award recognises the group’s continuous drive to develop its employees and address the skills gap in the industry, comments Colette Wessels, training and development executive at Imperial Logistics.

This year’s award submission from the organisation was a joint one from the Imperial Logistics Academy and Imperial Health Sciences’ Supply Chain Academy.

Wessels says, “Our submission encompassed the efforts and achievements of both these Imperial training facilities. Our ‘Fast Forward’ skills development initiative is the main focus of the Imperial Logistics Academy. It takes a practical approach to addressing much needed skills development gaps, and operates across various levels, from facilitating workplace entry and tertiary education support to industry collaboration and research.”

A critical element is the newly developed, customised Learnership programmes, which offer learners nationally recognised credentials for training.  230 learners are currently enrolled on Learnership programmes through the Imperial Logistics Academy.

Adding, “The need for supply chain skills in Africa’s public health environment led to the inception of the Imperial Health Sciences Supply Chain Academy, which plays a critical role in the development of individuals working at all levels of the public health sector,” Wessels explains. “Weak links in this supply chain can have dire consequences, including restricting access to drugs needed to prevent and treat AIDS, malaria, TB and other deadly diseases.”

Over the past financial year, Imperial Logistics has invested more than R87 million in training and skills development initiatives. More than 70% of the amount spent was directed towards black employees, in line with the company’s transformation objectives. The Imperial Logistics Academy has also achieved accreditation with the Transport Education and Training Authority.

Concludes Wessels, “It is an honour to be recognised for our commitment to upskilling our people and the industry as a whole at a prestigious event like the SAPICS conference.”

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