Railway linking Mozambique to Zimbabwe to be rebuilt | Infrastructure news

The entire 317 kilometre length of the Machipanda Railroad may undergo reconstruction.

This railway links the Mozambican port of Beira to Machipanda station in Zimbabwe.

Feasibility studies are underway through the auspices of the Mozambican state port and rail company Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) and the Mozambique Regional Gateway Programme, a Mozambique-based programme linked to increasing international traffic in Southern Africa.

The Machipanda Railroad, which was originally built in 1906, is located near the border with Zimbabwe and is the only freight line to and from Zimbabwe and Zambia.

To date US$10 million has been spent on the line to stabilise it as well as re-opening crossings and stations.

Source: macauhub


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