Inter-Ministerial Service Delivery Task Team | Infrastructure news

President Jacob Zuma has announced the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Service Delivery Task Team.

The purpose of the Inter-Ministerial Service Delivery Task Team is to fast-track service delivery in areas where there are bottlenecks, quickly respond to areas where there are service delivery problems and ensure that general service delivery is improved.

Zuma has appointed several inter-ministerial committees (IMCs) as part of establishing the new government system of the fifth democratic administration, in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. The committees are appointed to serve a very specific purpose that is deemed to require the dedicated attention of a certain team of ministers. Their mandate is therefore limited to the matter that they are established to execute.

The service delivery task team will be chaired by Pravin Gordhan Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. It will also include the ministers of human settlements, water and sanitation, energy, home affairs, public enterprises, transport, rural development and land reform, basic education, health, and planning, performance monitoring and evaluation in the Presidency.


Gordhan on his department

Addressing the media following the first sitting of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) National Executive Committee, since the General Elections, Gordhan said the new administration will be in regular contact with the public, while holding local government accountable.

Gordhan said his department will ensure that organised local government remains in contact with the public and that municipal officials have a sense of urgency, accountability and responsiveness.

“The first thing we need to do is the support mechanism that we need to get off the ground. Where the law is being defied either in government terms, financial terms or delivery terms, then the appropriate action is required,” he said.


Short term IMCs

The President has also established two short-term IMCs dedicated to organising certain high level events. These are the IMC on the Smart Partnership Dialogue and the IMC on the Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM) Smart Partnership Dialogue will oversee the organisation of the Smart Partnership Dialogue which will take place for the first time in South Africa from 14 to 17 October 2014.

The dialogue will serve as a platform for SMART partners, including heads of state and government, business leaders, scientists, academics and others, to discuss ideas and experiences related to science, technology and innovation for socio-economic transformation and development.

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