Tongaat Mall inquiry nearing an end | Infrastructure news

The Thongathi Mall Commission of Inquiry is nearing an end, with the spotlight this week shifting to the role played by the developers of the property .

Jay Singh, the owner of Gralio Precast, the company charged with the construction of the collapsed Tongaat Mall, is expected to take a stand and submit his testimony. Gralio Precast was previously accused of not acting in good faith and being economical in bringing the required information before the commission.

Also expected to testify before the commission this week, are the engineers, the foreman and witnesses of interest.

Earlier this month the commission focused on engineers and their role in regard to techniques, design and construction methods applied during the project. Earlier in the year, engineer Rob Young, appointed by Gralio Precast (Pty) Ltd to investigate the collapse of the Tongaat Mall, told the commission that there were serious problems with the previous engineer’s design plans. Young said they had found material defects that could have led to the collapse.  It also emerged that there had never been any health and safety audits carried out.

The Tongaat Mall collapsed on 19 November last year, killing 2 people and injuring another 29.

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