Readymix to aid delivery | Infrastructure news

Building professionals are being urged to harness the amazing characteristics of modern-day readymix concrete to build better structures and speed-up the delivery of critical infrastructure throughout Southern Africa.

New techniques, as well as advances in cement technology and admixtures, have allowed readymix producers to tailor their offerings, more precisely to produce afar wider range of product choices than ever before. This means that the types of concrete produced today are suitable for a greater variety of uses and can be tailored to suit exact project requirements.

Johan van Wyk, general manager of the Southern Africa Readymix Association (SARMA), says that designers, builders and specifiers need to be more keenly aware of the types of readymix that can be ordered and encourages them work more closely with readymix producers in future. He adds that The Readymix Conference by Sarma is the definitive place to share ideas and find out more about the characteristics of modern-day readymix.


Global best practice

“The conference is being held at Misty Hills Conference Centre on the West Rand on 13 and 14 August 2014 and will showcase the ability of the readymix concrete industry. It is the perfect opportunity for for all disciplines to see what is available and share ideas with our industry’s professionals.

“Speakers will include international guests with vast experience in the use of readymix. They will also shed light on best practices from all corners of the globe and provide an insight into alternative methods that can be employed locally,” says Van Wyk.

“We will also be showcasing tilt-up construction techniques with an actual demonstration of its ease of construction and simplicity. Tilt-up construction has already been widely mooted as a viable alternative to speed up provision of housing developments and is a cost effective and fast method of constructing public sector buildings, such as hospital, police stations, community centres etc.”


Sustaining an industry

“Readymix producers and suppliers to the industry will also be able to shed light on new products that are suitable for anything fromroads, skyscrapers and dam walls to lightweight chemical-resistant or ultra-dense concrete for any other type of use. These and many other products gives professional as in the industry infinite choices when it comes to concrete and shows why readymix is probably the most versatile building material on earth today,” says Van Wyk.

He adds that in addition to physical characteristics of readymix concrete, it is also good for sustainable developments due to its excellent thermal properties and local availability of raw materials. Socially it empowers communities who are employed full-time on site and as a result is more socially acceptable than site-mix.

Significantly, the conference is also taking place in Women’s Month which also serves to highlights the increasingly important role that women are playing in the manufacture and specification of readymix concrete throughout the country.

“To further highlight the role being played, the conference will feature a speaker on women in concrete, who will give her views of the industry and add spice to the already impressive panel of high profile speakers.”


Tools of the trade

During the conference delegates will also have the opportunity to view static and working exhibits of the latest machines and equipment available to manufacture, as well as deliver concrete to sites. Admixtures will also be shown that enhance the characteristics of concrete.

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