Special Economic Zones roll-out | Infrastructure news

According to the dti the roll-out of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is on track.

Dr Rob Davies, Trade and Industry Minister, says, “Within the next three months, we will be passing all the regulations necessary to establish a SEZ board so that we can go ahead and establish Special Economic Zones (SEZs). We have already fast tracked a couple of them.”
Earlier this year, President Jacob Zuma approved the Special Economic Zones Bill.

The bill, which supports a broader-based industrialisation growth path, also aims to support balanced regional industrial growth and the development of more competitive and productive regional economies.

“Simultaneously with processing the legislation, we embarked on a process, together with the provinces, of conducting feasibility studies on potential SEZs, some IDZs [Industrial Development Zones] and the other forms provided in the Act.”
Public consultations are underway for the Harrismith Trade Port in the Free State to become an IDZ.

To date, five IDZs have been designated, which are Coega, East London, Richards Bay, OR Tambo and the newly designated Saldanha Bay, in October 2013.

Work is also well advanced on industrial sector SEZs, including two potential platinum value chain based SEZs — one in the North West and another in Limpopo.

Source – SAnews.gov.za

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