Growing trade with Angola | Infrastructure news

The Angolan government has committed US$113 billion for transport and infrastructure over the next 20 years and US$3.97 billion in agricultural development amongst the key drivers of economic growth.

With this mind South African businesses have been called on to take advantage of opportunities in Angola.

Joao Rocha of Termat Comecio Geral, a company that is on a mission to attract and promote South African goods and services in Angola, says, “Angola has a special programme of incentives for investment projects that include agro-industrial processing, packaging and logistics.”
However he cautions, “There are tough hurdles to overcome when doing business in Angola, including the long period of time that it takes to register a business in that country.”

Concluding, “The top three leading countries that have established themselves in the Angolan market are the US, Brazil and China.”

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