DWS told to solve country’s water challenges | Infrastructure news

The Select Committee on Social Services has put pressure on the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) to solve challenges in the provision of quality water to citizens.

Chairperson of the Select Committee Catherine Dlamini pointed out that most of the service delivery protests experienced in the country have been a direct result of challenges with water provision. Dlamini said these challenges stem from the fact that municipalities lack the necessary skills to manage this important service.

She urged the newly established DWS to find strategies and mechanisms to solve these challenges. The department must intervene if the government is to succeed in reducing the number of service delivery protests in the country.

According to a report on Parliament’s website, Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane assured the committee that the department is consultating with representatives from both local and provincial government to look at interventions that will address the shortcomings at local government level.

Mokonyane believes that most of the problems have been caused by the inability of municipalities to deliver on their mandate, mainly due to a shortage of skills. “Our interventions must address such issues,” she emphasised.  The minister said her department has been engaging with municipalities to determine the best way to deal with the skills shortages.

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