Government’s transport skills brain trust being established | Infrastructure news

Collaborating and coordinating all key strategic transport planning matters is the aim of the National Transport Forum being established by the Department of Transport.

Dipuo Peters, Minister of Transport in her budget speech said this Forum is part of the department’s attempts to improve planning and coordination across all spheres of government.

“This Forum would also provide practical advice to all spheres of government by establishing a transport skills ‘brains trust’ for planning and implementation.”

Peters also highlighted regional integration stating that last year, through SADC, the Department of Transport embarked on a study to unpack the status of regional infrastructure and harmonisation of transport standards in the SADC region.

“This was to ensure that the transport infrastructure link to our neighbouring countries meets acceptable standards.”

“The study has been completed and we will soon commence with the development of a decongestion strategy for the Maseru Border Post to reduce congestion at the border post as well as at Beit Bridge. This project is a direct outcome of our Freight Movement Optimisation Plans for commercial borders.  Subsequently we will develop a Regional Corridor Strategy to help deal with issues of regional corridors.”

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