The summit will carry 2 CPD points.
The cost of this year’s event will again be held at the 2010 rates namely R3420 (including VAT) per person for the 2-day event. All WISA and International Water Association members attending the summit will receive a discount on the summit. (Discounted rates for IWA/WISA members: R2736 (including VAT). For further information and to register your interest in attending this event as a delegate, sponsor or exhibitor, please email: or call + 27 (12)346 3496 (Constance Makola). Click here to Register Online OR click here to Download the Registration Form and the Event Brochure WRP Consulting Engineers is pleased to announce the dates for the 2014 annual Water Leakage Summit which will be held at the DBSA Vulindlela Auditorium in Midrand on 19 and 20 August 2014. Places for the Summit will be limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Please diarise the dates and ensure that you book your place at this year’s event. Tim Waldron from Australia, who is the chairperson of the International Water Association’s Water Losses Specialist Group and former CEO of Wide Bay Water Corporation, will present a key-note paper at the event on a CEO’s Guide for creating a sustainable Water Utility. Feedback from the 2013 Summit was extremely positive thanks to the tremendous support from DWA, WRC, City of Cape Town, Rand Water, DBSA, SASOL and the City of Tshwane and the numerous specialists who kindly presented. The event is aimed at Municipal personnel and those in government organisations who have an interest in the latest developments in water loss management.