Building sector sectoral determination nearing close | Infrastructure news

The Department of Labour’s public hearings to establish a sectoral determination, which prescribes minimum wages and conditions of employment for the building sector, is coming to an end tomorrow.

The building sector public hearings are being held to establish:

  • the feasibility of establishing a sectoral determination for the building sector
  • the categories of employees to be covered by a possible sectoral determination
  • determining the mechanism to be utilised for setting minimum wages and annual increases
  • determining the factors to be taken into consideration when setting minimum wages
  • determining the level at which minimum wages should be pegged
  • any other conditions related to the operation within the sector.
The national hearings, which included a number of site visits of building sector companies started on 12 August in Pretoria. The department is now set to host the last in a series of national public hearings aimed at obtaining inputs from employers and employees in the building sector tomorrow (29 August).

The hearings will conclude with sessions in the Western Cape (George Council Chambers 54 York Street), KwaZulu-Natal (at the Department of Labour offices at 29 Scott Street, Newcastle), and in Limpopo (at the Department’s Provincial Office, 42A Schoeman Street). All hearings start at 10:00.

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