SA-DRC energy agreement a potential game changer | Infrastructure news

Minister of Energy Tina Joemat-Pettersson has signed an historic agreement with her counterpart Kapandji Kalala, Minister of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

This inter-governmental agreement paves the way for major developments in the field of energy, and is a potential game-changer for the entire African continent.

The agreement has long been discussed, and its finalisation has been part of this administration’s commitment to turn ideas into action over the first 100 days.


Purpose of the agreement

The purpose of the agreement is to promote cooperation in the field of energy resources between the two countries. This will be done on the basis of equal partnership and mutual advantage, taking into account the expertise and possibilities for co-operation available between the two countries.

The agreement specifically promotes cooperation in the fields of electricity, hydroelectricity, renewable energy, and energy efficiency through various mechanism such as the exchange of information regarding their respective electricity policies, institutional arrangements and regulatory frameworks; technology transfer, research and development cooperation.

It enables the two countries to focus on specific projects in the areas of construction and maintenance of hydropower infrastructure; renewable energy; and energy efficiency, electricity generation; transmission; and distribution; electrification and trading in the power sector.

The energy cooperation agreement is all encompassing and will assist both countries to work together to explore opportunities in the energy sector, share knowledge on policies, enable the two countries to cooperate on hum an resource development in the sector and improve the energy sector in the region and the continent at large.


Grand Inga Hydro Power Project

South Africa and the DRC drafted a treaty on the Grand Inga Hydro Power Project in October last year. Joemat-Pettersson reported that Cabinet has approved the ratification of this treaty between the Republic of South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by Parliament.

This will enable the commencement of Phase I of the project, and the DRC is very keen to get contractors on site and commence with the construction. This phase will provide 2 500 MW of electricity, and contribute to regional integration, energy security, access to energy and economic growth in an environmentally sustainable manner.

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